Friday, February 25, 2011

Intelligent Living

One major factor in living well is seeking to know/discover as much as possible while also mastering the art of selective caring.  You cannot care about everything; you don't have the time to devote to all of it, and your body cannot deal with being constantly and intensely emotionally aroused for an extended period of time.  So for an intellectual, emotional individual to be happy, the trick is to learn and experience as much as possibly and care as intensely and about as much as possible without becoming crazy-- which is to say without worrying incessantly about every negative thing in the world because there are a lot of them, and you can't handle being hurt by that many things.  But you can choose certain things to care about more, and these things are allowed to hurt you, and that is healthy because these things also bring joy, and even when you're hurting, it's almost in a good way because of the beauty of the intimacy that gives that hurt meaning.

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